Our company

We are a webstore with practical, functional and sustainable quality products for you who like to be out in the local area or on long-distance adventures. You may be traveling during the day or away for a long time somewhere in Europe. You may feel at home at the destination. You may travel by car, caravan or motorhome and prefer not to spend the night in a hotel.

We offer good products, we are fast and we provide good service both when you make the purchase and afterwards. We want you to feel "This was a good deal. Here I will shop next time". In short "Your free time is our work".

Our name - OTiUM

Otium, a Latin abstract term, has a variety of meanings, including leisure time in which a person can enjoy eating, playing, resting, contemplation and academic endeavors. It sometimes, but not always, relates to a time in a person's retirement after previous service to the public or private sector, opposing "active public life". Otium can be a temporary time of leisure, that is sporadic. It can have intellectual, virtuous or immoral implications. It originally had the idea of withdrawing from one's daily business (neg-otium) or affairs to engage in activities that were considered to be artistically valuable or enlightening (i.e. speaking, writing, philosophy). It had particular meaning to businessmen, diplomats, philosophers and poets.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otium

Our team

OTiUM Products AB was founded by adventurers who love to be out in nature. Our mission is to provide high quality products to make even small excursions better. We believe in providing products that are practical, functional and sustainable.


"Good products are sustainable and last for at least one generation

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